Before going into details about you can maintain your windows, it is good to know what benefits you stand to gain from maintaining your windows regularly. Here are the benefits of regular window maintenance.
Maintaining your new windows regularly will keep them in top functional and aesthetic conditions. All the moving parts will be easy to operate due to regular maintenance, and damaged parts will be repaired. As a result, your windows will last for a long time, longer than if you did not maintain them.
Reduction in Energy Bills
Another benefit you get from regular window maintenance is low energy bills. By keeping your windows in the proper condition, you would be able to prevent draft, plug holes, and repair damaged seals. As a result, your windows will be energy-efficient, which will cause your heating and cooling requirements to be low with a resultant reduction in energy bills.
Enhanced Security
Poorly-maintained windows are usually the targets of burglars because they can gain entry to the house through windows that are in a bad state. Consequently, when you carry out regular maintenance on your windows, they will be sturdy, reliable, and challenging to break down by burglars. Hence, you and your property will be safe.
Regular windows maintenance help to keep your windows in a good state. Although window replacement or replacement windows can be included in the maintenance process, it will not be all the windows that will require replacement except for facelift purposes. As a result, you get to save money you could have unavoidably spent on changing your windows.
Here are the 5 window maintenance tips:
1. Rot Removal
Another tip for regular window maintenance is to remove any type of rot on your windows. This is important to stop the spreading of the rot to other parts. After scraping rotten parts, fill the spot with Epoxy putty for an aesthetic finish.
2. Vacuum Window Screens
As part of your regular window maintenance tips, you should make sure that you clean the window screens in your house. Remove the window screens and take them outside. Lay them flat on the floor and vacuum off the dirt on the screens. After that, pour soapy water on the screen to remove dust or stain on them before replacing them to your windows.
3. Fumigate the House
If you have wooden windows in your home, you need to fumigate your surroundings to get rid of ants and termites that may crawl up to the windows and damage the frames and windows. Besides, disinfecting your home will also help to control insects and pests in your home.
4. Installation of Storm Windows
To keep your windows in their best condition, you can install storm windows to protect them against harsh weather conditions like strong winds and storms. Storm windows help to improve the energy efficiency of your home. If you are tight on budget, storm windows are the perfect alternatives for you.
5. New Windows
If the existing windows in your home have entirely worn out, you should consider installing new windows to keep your home energy-efficient. New windows offer several benefits that will give you value for money spent.